Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] OffTopic: LAD logo
From: Maarten de Boer (
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 11:58:05 EEST
> Now, I don't want to step on anyone's toes here (especially not Maarten
> de Boers', who seems to have designed the current LAD logo), but I think
I am not a graphics designer, so no offense taken, and I am sure a bit of
competition could generate far nicer logos. I will try to spice up mine
a bit to start with. I do like the single-line LAD letters.
> we need something more "sexy" than the current logo (which is not really
> a logo, strictly speaking). So, I'd just like to start a discussion
Why is it not a logo? What are your definitions of a logo? There is also
a link-this button, which I know is on, which indeed
needs to be restyled with the logo.
What formats would be appropriate? I suppose we should have both bitmap
and vector graphics formats, in both color and b/w? What dimensions?
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