Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] It's time to vote (n. 1)
From: Joe Pfeiffer (
Date: Thu May 24 2001 - 21:53:19 EEST
Jorn Nettingsmeier
Steve Harris wrote:
> Also remeber you have to reassemble the packets in the right order as the
> ordering is not guaranteed.
forgive my ignorance wrt networks, but what can change the original
order of packets in a point-to-point link ?
my understanding is that when packets get routed via different
paths, they might become shuffled, but not on a static route.
A packet can be lost (maybe noise on the line, maybe the recipient
missed an interrupt...), and the following packet get through. Then the
lost packet gets retransmitted.
-- Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D. Phone -- (505) 646-1605 Department of Computer Science FAX -- (505) 646-1002 New Mexico State University SWNMRSEF:
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