Re: [linux-audio-dev] ANNOUNCE: Rosegarden-4 v0.1.5 released

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] ANNOUNCE: Rosegarden-4 v0.1.5 released
From: Richard Bown (
Date: Sun May 05 2002 - 23:26:06 EEST

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the write up of Rosegarden 2.1 by the way!

You wrote:

> Of course, that's one of the current beauties of Linux:
> I can have truly it my way, I'm not confined to a single desktop or wm,
> and I can make my system lean or fat as I desire.

That is your right of course. But what about the user who hasn't
seen Linux before? Will they expect a desktop environment? Will
they get more mileage out of applications that act consistently?

> Will Rosegarden-4 require that KDE itself be running
> or will it simply be able to use the KDE libs and be happy with them
> (and not the whole shebang) ?

You don't need to run KDE to use Rosegarden-4 the same as you don't
need to run GNOME to use the GIMP - actually maybe I'm overselling
ourselves a little there..

Anyway, Chris (Cannam - Daddy Rosegarden) doesn't run KDE at all.
AFAIK he uses his own window manager (wmx) and to the best of my
knowledge he hasn't had any problems.

> I would just like to see a Linux MIDI sequencer as powerful as
> Sequencer Plus, without a notation editor, without audio/MIDI
> integration, and without support for softsynths, and I think
> I would be happiest if I knew that the authors planned to *never*
> add those features.

Sometimes you have to forward plan if you want to see those features
at all. Our integration of performance and notation data in a unified
core is the result of a lot of hard work (on Chris and Guillaume's
part mainly). Without it the job of performing MIDI sequencing _and_
providing notation representaion would be much harder (along the lines
of how we did it in RG-2.1).

Here's a brief history of Rosegarden:

it explains the design decisions we've made over the last seven
years, the problems we had getting restarted with RG-3 and why
we're doing what we're doing today and why we're for the most
part we're really, really enjoying it.

Pay special attention to Guillaume's mantra down the bottom:

"If we lose focus again, Rosegarden is dead. It has already been brought
 back from limbo a couple of times, there won't be a next one."

Two of us have been working pretty much full time on Rosegarden-4 for
the last eight months a) because we're layabout scum with no jobs and no
prospects and b) because we believe in what we're doing above any mere
coding job - well I can't speak for anyone else on the last one but
that's certainly the way _I_ feel about it.

I'm hoping that we can get our first user-oriented release out very
soon (within weeks). I'm keen to get audio working soon to some extent
because that's what I'm used to using in a sequencer. And while we all
have our favourite apps be they DOS based or with fancy Rebirth/Reason
style GUIs, as long as Rosegarden can satisfy a few people then we'll
have done our job well.

Okay, my turn to </rant> I think.

> Okay, whew, sorry about all that... Bad coffee, I guess... Best of
> luck with Rosegarden development, and I'll still be trying to get it
> running here... :)

No, it's all good stuff. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
These arguments just just tend to happen every so often don't they?
The term for this kind of thing was once "religious war" but I'm not
so sure it's the best phrase to use in the currently slightly rocky
global political climate..

Damn my political correctness.



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