Subject: [linux-audio-dev] storing floats in ascii format
From: Maarten de Boer (
Date: Thu May 16 2002 - 16:41:47 EEST
Storing large arrays of floats in XML files is very
unefficient when it comes to space. Where in a binary
format each float would contain only 4 bytes, in a
ASCII format this number much bigger.
A simple solution would be to store the values as
binary inside the XML. It is too bad XML does not
have a way to do this.. The binary format will
contain \0's, and certainly most XML parsers will
choke on those.
So, I was thinking to use binhex, or something similar,
encoding the 32 bits in 7 bit values in the ascii
character range. Thus, each float would take 5 bytes.
However, maybe a more compact encoding is also possible,
using some variable length encoding.
Does anybody have experience with this, or pointers to
implementations? Or any suggestion at all?
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