Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA Specs (pt. 2)?
From: Dr. Matthias Nagorni (
Date: Thu May 16 2002 - 16:09:20 EEST
On Thu, 16 May 2002, Steve Harris wrote:
> Fair enough, you could do this in XML too, but in RDF the description is
> exstensible without requiring a new DTD and other RDF files can extend the
> description without conflict. eg. you can can add dulin core metadata
Yes, but isn't a somewhat constrained set of "subjects" and "predicates"
(in RDF language) a very useful thing ? This way host programmers know
what features to take care of.
> I don't want to force the issue too much. I use RDF a lot in my job, so
> I'm comfortable with it, and know why its useful.
But maybe it's too difficult for people who do not happen to be
familiar with it anyway. Nevertheless I bought a book on XML and RDF today
and I'll have a look at RDF parsing. I see the whole subject from the
perspective of a host programmer whereas maybe you see it more from the
perspective of a plugin writer. Plugin writers of course would like to
have as little constraints as possible whereas host programmer need them
in order to implement all features required by the plugin.
-- Dr. Matthias Nagorni SuSE GmbH Deutschherrnstr. 15-19 phone: +49 911 74053375 D - 90429 Nuernberg fax : +49 911 74053483
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