Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA Specs (pt. 2)?
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Thu May 16 2002 - 16:39:44 EEST
On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 03:09:20 +0200, Dr. Matthias Nagorni wrote:
> On Thu, 16 May 2002, Steve Harris wrote:
> > Fair enough, you could do this in XML too, but in RDF the description is
> > exstensible without requiring a new DTD and other RDF files can extend the
> > description without conflict. eg. you can can add dulin core metadata
> Yes, but isn't a somewhat constrained set of "subjects" and "predicates"
> (in RDF language) a very useful thing ? This way host programmers know
> what features to take care of.
Yes, well the core ontology (common vocabulary) will include things like
hasPort and so on, but that isn't a restriction. The host/library needs to
know the code ontology in order to answer questions about it.
It would also include definitions of the common units for example (Hz,
meters, dB and so on), but that wouldn't stop an individual plugin that
needed to use Henrys or something else wacky from defining and using
> > I don't want to force the issue too much. I use RDF a lot in my job, so
> > I'm comfortable with it, and know why its useful.
> But maybe it's too difficult for people who do not happen to be
> familiar with it anyway. Nevertheless I bought a book on XML and RDF today
Yes, that is my concern.
> and I'll have a look at RDF parsing. I see the whole subject from the
> perspective of a host programmer whereas maybe you see it more from the
> perspective of a plugin writer. Plugin writers of course would like to
> have as little constraints as possible whereas host programmer need them
> in order to implement all features required by the plugin.
I would write a library that presented the generally useful information to
the host in a famailiar way. Hosts requring extentions or wanting to do
inference would have to use a lower level API themselves (eg. SiRPAC).
I don't imagine many host authours would have to/want to deal with RDF
- Steve
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