Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA v1.1

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA v1.1
From: Paul Davis (
Date: Sun May 19 2002 - 00:39:21 EEST

>Well, it had to get to the top of my to-do list eventually. I've been trying
>to sort [1] the LADSPA website [2] LADSPA v1.1.
>On the first point, I'm missing links to LCP and the XML GUI thing. Also, if
>there are any plugins or hosts that should be on the list please shout (I
>have added a few that people have told me about but I've not posted the new
>index onto the web yet).

XML GUI DTD enclosed below. LCP is at

The major issue surrounding LCP is how the host finds the GUI
executable. Its isomorphic to the problem of how to find presets.


    Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Davis

    This is an XML DTD designed to be used when writing an abstract
    description of the graphical user interfaces for a LADSPA plugin.

    This DTD is made available to you as a free specification; you can
    redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
    Library General Public License as published by the Free Software
    Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
    any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
    PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the
    Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
    Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

<!ELEMENT interface (xml-gui-version,(page+|

<!ELEMENT xml-gui-version EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xml-gui-version
          major CDATA #REQUIRED
          minor CDATA #REQUIRED
          micro CDATA #REQUIRED

<!ELEMENT page (graphics-context?,packing-structure+)>
<!ATTLIST page
       name CDATA #REQUIRED
       tab-orientation (left|right|bottom|top) "top"

<!-- a graphics context provides a way of specifying the visual
     appearance of a number of elements within the interface
     that would otherwise use defaults.

     the foreground and background attributes are a color
     specification of the form


     where "R", "G" and "B" are floating point numbers between 0 and
     1.0. They defines the foreground and background colors used by
     the element to which the context is attached.

     the bg-pixmap attribute is a quoted string that references an
     image to be used as the background of the element to which the
     context is attached. it should not be (and cannot be) an absolute
     pathname. it will be tiled if it is smaller than the area
     occupied by the element, and cropped if larger. at this time,
     how the string is interpreted is implementation-dependent.

     the font attribute is a quoted string that references the
     font to be used when drawing text in the element to which
     the context is attached. unfortunately, the contents of
     the string are entirely host-specific in this version of
     the DTD.

<!ELEMENT graphics-context EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST graphics-context
        foreground CDATA #IMPLIED
        background CDATA #IMPLIED
        bg-pixmap CDATA #IMPLIED
        font CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- boxes are packing structures/containers.

     a box contains a list of elements, each of
     which will be arranged either horizontally
     or vertically with respect to each other.

     the spacing attribute specifies the number
     of pixels between each element.

     the border-width attribute specifies the number
     of pixels of space that will exist around the
     aggregated elements.

     the homogenous attribute specifies whether
     all elements will be space-packed as if
     they were the same size. this only has
     an effect if the element's pad and/or expand
     attributes are set to true.

<!ELEMENT vbox (box-element+)>
<!ATTLIST vbox
        spacing CDATA IMPLIED
        border-width CDATA IMPLIED
        homogenous (true|false) "true"

<!ELEMENT hbox (box-element+)>
<!ATTLIST hbox
        spacing CDATA IMPLIED
        border-width CDATA IMPLIED
        homogenous (true|false) "true"

<!-- a box element contains a single widget that
     can packed into a box.

     the pad attribute controls whether or not the
     widget will be space-padded on either side
     (in one direction, horizontal or vertical ONLY)
     so that it occupies its maximum theoretical

     the expand attribute controls whether or not
     any extra space that arises from the pad attribute being
     "true" is used to actually make the widget larger,
     or remains as space padding.

     the at-end attribute, if "true", causes the element
     to be packed at the end of the box, pushing any
     existing end-packed-elements toward the start of the box.

     the default packing mode is to pack elements from the start of
     the box, pushing any start-packed elements towards the end of the

<!ELEMENT box-element (widget)>
<!ATTLIST box-element
        pad (true|false) "true"
        expand (true|false) "true"
        at-end (true|false) "false"

<!-- a grid is a 2-dimensional array, with coordinates
     that begin at 0 and extend to row-1 in the horizontal
     direction and column-1 in the vertical direction.

     a grid element may be attached to the grid, and can cover any
     rectangular portion of the grid.

     the vertically-homogenous attribute specifies whether or not all
     elements will be packed together with space padding that gives
     them all the same height. this only has an effect if the elements
     pad and or expand options are set to true.
     the horizontal-homogenous attribute is analogous to the
     vertically-homogenous attribute, but operates

     the spacing between each (possibly space-padded) element is
     controlled by the vertical-spacing and
     horizontal-spacing attributes, which have units of pixels.

     the border-width attribute specifies in pixels the space that
     will surround the aggregated elements.

<!ELEMENT grid (grid-element+)>
<!ATTLIST grid
        rows CDATA #REQUIRED
        columns CDATA #REQUIRED
        vertically-homogenous (true|false) "true"
        horizontally-homogenous (true|false) "true"
        vertical-spacing CDATA #IMPLIED
        horizontal-spacing CDATA #IMPLIED
        border-width CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- a grid-element can be attached to a grid. the attachment points
     are specified by two coordindates, given as the *-row, *-col
     attributes. these coordindates are zero-based, as indicated
     in the description of the grid element itself.

     the other attributes operate as for a box-element, except
     that because of the 2D nature of a grid, both vertical
     and horizontal attributes are possible.

<!ELEMENT grid-element (widget)>
<!ATTLIST grid-element
        upper-left-row CDATA #REQUIRED
        upper-left-col CDATA #REQUIRED
        lower-right-row CDATA #REQUIRED
        lower-right-col CDATA #REQUIRED
        vertical-padding CDATA #IMPLIED
        horizontal-padding CDATA #IMPLIED
        vertical-pad (true|false) "true"
        vertical-expand (true|false) "true"
        horizontal-pad (true|false) "true"
        horizontal-expand (true|false) "true"

<!ELEMENT packing-structure (hbox|vbox|grid)>
<!ELEMENT widget (label|image|controller|pushbutton|connector)>

<!-- a label is just a piece of text. you can control the font and
     color by including a graphics context with the text.

<!ELEMENT label (graphics-context?, #PCDATA)>

<!-- an image is specified with a string that references a file.
     At this time, the interpretation of the string is implementation-specific.

<!ATTLIST image
          path CDATA #REQUIRED

<!-- a controller is a visual element of the GUI that can be used
     in various ways to set the value of a plugin port. it is
     anticipated that this be used only for ports where a continuous
     value range for the port makes sense.

     it has a label, which though strictly optional, should always be
     supplied for user-convenience. you can choose from knobs,
     horizontal and vertical sliders, a "spinner" which is a screen
     button that controls a numeric value. if you wish you can also
     chooose the "image" type, and then specify "image-regexp" to
     define a set of image files that will be mapped to represent the
     possible values of the port (i.e. the minimum value will be
     represented by the first (alphanumerically sorted) image and the
     maximum value by the last).

<!ELEMENT controller (graphics-context?)>
<!ATTLIST controller
        port CDATA #REQUIRED
        label CDATA #IMPLIED
        label-position (top | bottom | left | right | upper-left | upper-right | lower-left | lower-right) "top"
        type (knob | hslider | vslider | spinner | image) "knob"
        image-regexp CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- a state is an element that specifies both a value and how
     that value should be represented in the GUI. The representation
     can either be text or an image, but not both. if the text
     attribute is used, it should contain a string which will be used
     to represent the value specified in the value attribute. if the
     image attribute is used, it should contain a string referencing
     an image that will be used to represent the value specified
     in the value attribute.

     the interpretation of the image string is implementation-specific.

<!ATTLIST state
        value CDATA "0"
        text CDATA #IMPLIED
        image CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- a push button is an element that can be used to control
     a port with a discrete set of values.

     it should be provided with a series of state elements,
     which will be used by cycling through each value given
     in the state elements when some appropriate user action
     is taken (e.g. a mouse button click on the push button).

     note: it is expected that all states provided use
     either a textual representation or an image representation.
     mixing the two will lead to undefined results.
<!ELEMENT pushbutton (graphics-context?, state+)>
<!ATTLIST pushbutton
        port CDATA #REQUIRED
        label CDATA #IMPLIED
        label-position (top | bottom | left | right | upper-left | upper-right | lower-left | lower-right) "top"

<!-- a connector is an element that will allow the user to
     connect one port to another. how it actually does that
     is at the discretion of the GUI implementation. Possible
     options might include a popdown list of possible ports
     to connect to, or draggable patch cords.

     you should think of a connector as representing a
     port that has no actual controller.

<!ELEMENT connector (graphics-context?)>
<!ATTLIST connector
        port CDATA #REQUIRED
        label CDATA #IMPLIED
        label-position (top | bottom | left | right | upper-left | upper-right | lower-left | lower-right) "top"
        direction (input | output) "input"

<!-- a value display is an element that can be used to display
     the current value associated with a port. it is expected to
     be used with output plugin ports.

     the style attribute indicates how the value will be displayed.
     current values for this attribute are:
           hmeter - a horizontal level meter
           vmeter - a horizontal level meter
           custom - values are mapped to a set of images

     if the "custom" value is used, then the images attribute must
     contain a regular expression referencing a set of images
     to be used.

     the interpretation of the regular expression is implementation-specific.

<!ELEMENT value-display (graphics-context?)>
<!ATTLIST value-display
        port CDATA #REQUIRED
        label CDATA #IMPLIED
        label-position (top | bottom | left | right | upper-left | upper-right | lower-left | lower-right) "top"
        style (hmeter | vmeter | custom) "vmeter"
        images CDATA #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT xy-control EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST xy-control
         port-x CDATA #REQUIRED
         port-y CDATA #REQUIRED
         width CDATA #REQUIRED
         height CDATA #REQUIRED

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