Subject: [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] New LADSPA filter from cookbook formulae
From: Dr. Matthias Nagorni (
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 20:09:28 EEST
As suggested by Paul Davis in the Moog VCF thread, I implemented the
biquad filters found in
and a simple resonant lowpass by Paul Kellett as LADSPA plugins:
Two .so files will be built: has single audio input and output. has additional audio rate inputs for frequency-, resonance-
and dBgain control. These ports need not be used by the host. In this case
the host should init them with NULL. The plugin will interpret a NULL
pointer as unused audio port.
I updated my host AlsaModularSynth and added an example for the new
filters (example_ladspa_vcf_cv_in.ams)
The lower and upper bounds of some control parameters may still need some
refinement. Suggestions ?
When playing with the filters, the spectrum analyzer KWaveView might be
helpful. BTW KWaveView does not require KDE...
Have fun !
-- Dr. Matthias Nagorni SuSE GmbH Deutschherrnstr. 15-19 phone: +49 911 74053375 D - 90429 Nuernberg fax : +49 911 74053483
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