Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Desktop Environments in the World of Pro Audio
From: Paul Davis (
Date: Thu Jul 04 2002 - 02:21:32 EEST
>Most of this polish is aimed at office style work which is vastly
>different from adio production. I simply have no need for my
>diskrecorder to interoperat e with my calender or spreadsheet.
Devils Advocate time:
"Man, its so dumb. I have the whole studio schedule nicely
organized with fooCal these days. But I still get Jimmy having
to ask me which disks and/or tapes we need to get from the fire
safe every evening before a session starts. Why can't ToePools
just ask the calendar who's coming in tonight, and print up a
list for Jimmy of what we need online? Oh, and also: I'd love
to be able to have ToePools automatically record session
lengths in a SellEx sheet for accounting purposes. Sigh, why
can't these software people make stuff work together?"
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