Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Desktop Environments in the World of Pro Audio
From: Erik de Castro Lopo (
Date: Wed Jul 03 2002 - 21:31:02 EEST
On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 14:05:11 -0400
Fred Gleason <> wrote:
> Howdy Folks:
> However, I'm now beginning to wonder if in our collective disdain for such
> environments we are not doing a disservice to our users. These environments
> were created precisely so as to aid in the creation of the "polish" that many
> seem to feel is badly needed right now,
Most of this polish is aimed at office style work which is vastly different
from adio production. I simply have no need for my diskrecorder to interoperate
with my calender or spreadsheet.
> particularly the whole issue of user interface consistency across multiple apps.
In the audio world there is quite a string move away from this. Witness all the
cool custom GUI plugins on Win32 and Mac.
> As best as I can recall, the
> objections I have seen on this list to supporting these desktops have been as
> follows:
> Any other potential downsides?
The main problem I see is that the extra features of KDE and GNOME chew up
CPU grunt and RAM that would be better spent doing audio. In current desktop
systems we are nowhere near the point where we can afford to waste these
precious resources.
-- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Erik de Castro Lopo (Yes it's valid) +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Reporter: "What do you think of Western Civilisation?" M.K. Gandhi: "I think it would be a good idea."
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