Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Software with source code?
From: Paul Winkler (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 00:06:12 EET
(I'm moving this to linux-audio-user where the rest of this
discussion has been held. Please direct replies there)
On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 07:17:45PM +0100, Dave Griffiths wrote:
> At the risk of being pedantic, what is wrong with the sound/audio section of
> freshmeat?
A good question. At first glance not much.
But I do have the following gripes, and maybe some more
I haven't thought of yet ;-)
* Somewhat lacking in categories for audio/music apps.
As far as I can tell, submitters cannot influence what categories
their app should go in.
* You have to be logged in to submit anything.
In a smaller community, I think we can relax this requirement,
especially since admins will be able to undo any malicious changes.
* No source code available to the freshmeat software. (see the FAQ.)
I plan to make all my stuff open source.
* Freshmeat will probably never do cool stuff like automatically
track releases in the audio-specific distros.
* Freshmeat rejects "trivial" submissions. I can understand the reasoning,
but I don't agree with this.
* Freshmeat is too large and too general.
It doesn't give me warm fuzzy LAD/LAU community feelings.
* Banner ads. Fooey.
And finally...
* They don't have a logo with a cute penguin wearing headphones.
This is unforgivable.
All that said, since they export their backend RDF files,
we should be able to re-use a whole lot of stuff from
freshmeat, and/or use their xml-rpc api to forward our own
submissions to freshmeat. Not sure about the best way to do all this,
but I'm sure Steve will help ;-)
> Dave's site is great because it is so low tech imho.
Low tech is great unless you're the guy that does all the work :-)
> I think for advocacy purposes and general coolness, it would be nice
> to have a
> site devoted to linux _musicians_ where we can upload and compare tracks and
> production methods. More of an extension of LAU...
Sure, the more the merrier.
But I don't want to lose focus. You can build that site if you want :-)
There has been talk on the consortium_p list of having
be a sort of portal for various subdomains which can be maintained
independently. So my proposal could live at something like or similar. A musician portal could either be
based on (yes, it exists, check it out!) or something
similar at e.g.
--Paul Winkler Look! Up in the sky! It's STRATA-MINIATURE THE END OF THE WORLD! (random hero from
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