Subject: [linux-audio-dev] have to restart jack between ecasound sessions
From: Eric Dantan Rzewnicki (
Date: Wed Feb 18 2004 - 06:19:31 EET
I'm starting jack via jackstart like this:
jackstart -v -R -d alsa -d ice1712 -r 44100 -p 64 -n 2
I can run ecasound in many ways (different chain settups, via ecaplay,
wav or ogg input, etc.) one time only. If I try to run another ecasound
session without restarting jack the second ecasound exits like this:
audiobox:~$ ecaplay /mnt/audio/in_progress/guitar_mix/s2004-0217-2242.ogg
* Message from libecasoundc:
* 'ECASOUND' environment variable not set. Using the default value
* value 'ECASOUND=ecasound'.
(ecaplay) Playing file
It doesn't return ... just hangs like that until I ctrl-c it. If I
strace the ecaplay it's waiting for ecasound:
audiobox:~# strace -p 450
Process 450 attached - interrupt to quit
waitpid(451, <unfinished ...>
Process 450 detached
which is stuck in a futex():
audiobox:~# strace -p 451
Process 451 attached - interrupt to quit
futex(0x413e6bf8, FUTEX_WAIT, 453, NULL
Once I kill the ecaplay w/ctrl-c the "ecasound -c -D" remains until I
use kill -9 on it.
Anything else I can do to help debug this?
System details below.
Eric Rz.
asus a7v8x-x
athlon XP 2800+ (2071.203 MHz)
1.5GB PC2700 RAM
12GB / /dev/hda2 ext2 (actually a 40G disk)
160GB /mnt/audio/ /dev/hdc1 ext2
2GB swap /dev/hda1
(onboard via8235 -- disabled)
ice1712 M-Audio Delta-66 w/omni i/o
ymfpci guillemot maxisound fortissimo -- midi only
debian testing (sarge)
2.6.2 (pre-empt on, drives tuned -- sources compiled via
debian's make-kpkg)
realtime-0.0.2 lsm (insmod'ed since make install screws up all
alsa-1.0.2 (lib, envy24control, tools)
alsa-1.0.2c drivers:
./configure --with-isapnp=no --with-sequencer=yes --with-oss=no \
from tar.gz
./configure --enable-capabilities --enable-optimize \
--with-default-tmpdir=/dev/shm --disable-portaudio
./configure --enable-pyecasound --disable-oss --disable-arts \
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