Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] softwerk moves on
From: Dave Robillard (
Date: Fri Jul 16 2004 - 03:35:07 EEST
On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 20:24, Paul Davis wrote:
> >Seems to work for every other project out there... I'm sure you have
> which c++ projects are you referring to?
I don't know. I will say for certain that not every single GNU/Linux
C++ project out there bundles gtkmm and friends with it.
However, I have absolutely no intention of starting a debate or
questioning your motives. You, sir, may build your projects however the
heck you please. :)
Since ardour is aiming to be a "professional" DAW, it probably is a
really good idea to bundle everything up in one nice package and say
"here, THIS works solidly" even if it is a little too reminiscent of DLL
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