[linux-audio-dev] This is what its all about.

From: Erik de Castro Lopo <erikd-lad@email-addr-hidden-nerd.com>
Date: Tue Apr 19 2005 - 16:40:14 EEST

Hi all,

As some of you may know Linux.conf.au is on in Canberra, Australia
at the moment and that today we had an audio mini-conf followed by
a performance night.

The standout tonight was a duo called Deprogram:


who performed some great electronica with live keys and vocals over
prerecorded tracks. The backing tracks had been recorded on and were
being played back using Ardour running on a Linux laptop.

The performance was simply stunning. The fact that Ardour, Jack
and other linux software was used in its production and performance
is a *huge* validation of what we have been doing all these years.

Congratulations to everyone involved in making audio on Linux happen
and thanks to Nick and Mary of Deprogram for showing us how its
good this stuff actually is.


  Erik de Castro Lopo  nospam@email-addr-hidden-nerd.com (Yes it's valid)
Saying Python is easier than C++ is like saying that turning a 
light  switch on or off is easier than operating a nuclear reactor.
Received on Wed Apr 20 00:15:08 2005

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