Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
>>for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
>> cout << i << endl;
> Shouldn't you put parentheses around on or the other of those
> left shift operators? :-)
Now, << was left-associative, wasn't it? Or was it? ;-)
> If you want pristine beauty, you should have a look the function
> to find the intersection of two lists in Ocaml:
> let rec intersect lst =
> [...]
To make this thread go totally off-topic, here's the same in Q:
intersect Xs [Y|Ys] = [Y|intersect Xs Ys] if any (=Y) Xs;
= intersect Xs Ys otherwise;
Now which one looks prettier? Sorry, couldn't resist. ;-)
-- Dr. Albert Gr"af Dept. of Music-Informatics, University of Mainz, Germany Email:, WWW: on Sun Feb 26 20:21:37 2006
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