Do you mean that you are sending one packet after 256 notes have played?
In that case, I assume you are using it to periodically re-synchronize
independant clocks. If that's the case, the local computer should be
used to generate the MIDI clock according to its own clock. The local
computer's own clock can then by re-synchronized periodically with the
remote computer, which will automatically also re-sync the local MIDI
clock signal.
Does that make sense?
Am I correct in understanding that MIDI is not being sent over the TCP
On 5/26/06, krampenschiesser@email-addr-hidden <krampenschiesser@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Fri, 26 May 2006 15:18:59 +0200
> Jens M Andreasen <jens.andreasen@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > Change the time-server resolution to 240/note?
> But then my sequencers would get out of sync.
> --
> In the beginning there was nothing. And the Lord said "Let There Be Light!"
> And still there was nothing, but at least now you could see it.
Received on Sat May 27 00:15:03 2006
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