Re: [Jackit-devel] [linux-audio-dev] What valgrind says

From: Erik de Castro Lopo <>
Date: Sun Jun 25 2006 - 03:29:56 EEST

Paul Davis wrote:

> they don't matter. they are the result of writing a byte to a FIFO to
> wake up an(other) client. the contents of the byte do not make any
> difference at any point.

Regardless of whether this is a bug or not it would be really
nice if this could be fixed. Fixing it means that other people
valgrinding their apps which use the Jack libs don't see warnings
about Jack.


  Erik de Castro Lopo
"Christianity has a nasty habit of ignoring the major problems of our time,
including overpopulation and exhaustion of resources, because they aren't
mentioned in the Bible."
-- Paula L. Craig
  Erik de Castro Lopo
"War is deceit."
-- Islam's prophet Mohammed (Hadith 4:268)
Received on Mon Jun 26 00:15:26 2006

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