Louigi Verona <louigi.verona@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> I am relatively new to linux audio, so I would be grateful if you would
> explain to me the benefits of modular environment.
Assuming that you mean modular environment in the sense of LADI as
opposed to the sense of plugins (LV2) in a single host, one of the
advantages is that with LV2 plugins, bad plugin will bring your whole
app down. With multiple JACK apps approach and a session handled, only
single JACK "plugin" crashes. You can still save the work, and even
restart (manually or automatically) the crashed JACK plugin.
This is not the case with some all-in-one applications for Windows. They
use SEH (Structured Exception Handling) to display warning to user and
recommend him to save his work and restsart the app. SEH patent expires
in 2016. Since Windows XP there seems to be something new, VEH (Vectored
Exception Handling) that is also patented, expires in 2023.
I'm not aware of exception handling alternative for Linux.
-- Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>
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