Re: [LAD] [OT] jack2 on solaris, was Re: tschack ... early version of smp enabled jack1

From: St�phane Letz <letz@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jan 28 2010 - 08:54:23 EET

Le 27 janv. 2010 � 22:14, Chris Cannam a �crit :

> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 9:10 PM, St�phane Letz <letz@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> - jack_oss.o one ( so "jack -S -R -d oss blab blah...) a one thread driver, initially developed for RTL and tested on a MADI card
>> - later on I switched to a more general (and probably more exact) 2 threads model. It got called "boomer' (Boomer is the SUN derived from OSS audio API..). So "jack -S -R -d boomer blab blah....
>> Both should work on OpenSolaris with 4 Front OSS. I never tried with Boomer since my internal card was not supported at that time
> OK. I do have Boomer (using OpenSolaris dev repositories, currently
> build snv_131)... but do I gather from the above that I don't
> necessarily have to use the Boomer back-end? so if I have trouble
> with it, I ought to be able to get away with the old-fashioned OSS
> one?
> (Sound generally does work on the machine, including OSS4 software mixing.)
> Chris

Boomer and OSS are actually quite similar. Both "oss" and "boomer" jack2 backend have been tested on an OSS installation only, never on Boomer. So real test are needed.


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Received on Thu Jan 28 12:15:01 2010

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