Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> fons@email-addr-hidden wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 11:12:57PM +0100, James Morris wrote:
>>> Percussion sounds by any chance?
>>> For instance, to simulate _not_ removing your hand when striking a
>>> bongo etc?
> There are two ways to do this, by using different sounds or by using
> layers for one sound, but this will result in something that isn't as
> good as a real instrument would be. But e.g. the European factory
> ROM's Harp sound for the first DX7 could be controlled by the sustain
> pedal. It doesn't cause sustain but worked as a damper. So a solution
> isn't to deal with missing note off events, but to have very complex
> envelops that can be effected by CC.
>> Anyone having a nice tabla emulation via MIDI ?
>> Ciao,
> Hahaha, no, such kind of percussion does sound good for the demos,
> just for the demo rhythm and when doing your own song, it doesn't work
> any more. But I know a drummer having modern Roland equipment, for
> this equipment there are some possibilities, that might enable a "nice
> tabla emulation".
> I'll send your request Bcc to him.
European factory ROM 1 bank B especially for sound 30 HARP 2
A note played while the sustain pedal was not hold will normally release
even if the pedal is hold after the note was played, while any notes
played then, with the sustain pedal hold, will be damped = have less
release. This sounds nearly identically to Andreas Vollenweider's harp
playing in the 80ies.
And because of Roland equipment, as Paul has written, the pads do have
several places that might control different sounds and in addition this
sounds have layers.
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Received on Wed Apr 14 08:15:02 2010
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