On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 10:21:58AM +0100, Simon Jenkins wrote:
>> The surprise is that it took well over a decade for anyone to spot it.
> Partly because in many cases you wouldn't notice a period
> delay, or even several periods. It makes nonsense of any
> latency compensation schemes etc. of course.
I don't agree that this is why it wasn't noticed.
But tather than tilting at windmills, seeking to assign blame, and/or
complaining about already acknowledged ridiculousness of the
situation, we figure out how to fix it?
I have essentially no time right now to work on Jack1 myself, and that
won't change for at least a couple of months. There's already a
backed-up/delayed release that I haven't been able to get to.
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Received on Fri Aug 14 04:15:01 2015
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