FYI, there is also O2:
"O2 is a new communication protocol and implementation for music systems that
aims to replace Open Sound Control (OSC). Many computer musicians routinely deal
with problems of interconnection in local area networks, unreliable message
delivery, and clock synchronization. O2 solves these problems, offering named
services, automatic network address discovery, clock synchronization, and a
reliable message delivery option, as well as interoperability with existing OSC
libraries and applications. Aside from these new features, O2 owes much of its
design to OSC and is mostly compatible with and similar to OSC. O2 addresses the
problems of inter-process communication with a minimum of complexity."
On 12/09/18 19:27, Len Ovens wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Sep 2018, Thomas Brand wrote:
>> On Tue, September 11, 2018 10:34, David Runge wrote:
>>> On 2018-09-10 19:32:52 (-0400), Mark D. McCurry wrote:
>>>> On 09-09, Christopher Arndt wrote:
>>>>> I'd definitely be interested in helping OSC staying relevant.
>>> I guess a good first starting point is to contact the former maintainers
>>> and get them involved (and to notify them about the website status - maybe
>>> it needs a new home?).
> yes.
>>> Guess it would also be nice to find out what the motivations behind
>>> abandoning 1.1 were.
> just that the project was no longer funded. I don't think it was broken and
> there are projects that do use some of the 1.1 spec. it is difficult to
> encourage new projects (glass controlers mostly) to support 1.1 stuff when there
> is no spec to point at.
>> Hey, i have collected a few OSC related documents in this repository some
>> time ago:
> Great! This is at least somewhere to point people.
> --
> Len Ovens
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