Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] [OT] Linux Audio Jobs
Date: Thu Jul 04 2002 - 03:32:08 EEST
On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 09:49:23PM +0100, nick wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just finished my degree in CS :~( and now must enter the real
> world. Ideally i'd love to carry on working on Linux Audio/MIDI stuff (i
> wrote a soft-synth "amSynth" for my CS project), preferably paying for
> my food etc too ;-)
getting a job in general is very hard. Getting a job in music is much
more difficult. Getting a job with computer music I assume would be
even harder. Not to discourage you though.
This is my situation that is similar to yours.
I just graduated with my masters in guitar performance. I am now
looking around for a job. I am here in chicago. The first
thing I am seeking is a teaching position to steady out a
performance income. Unfortunately all the positions around here are
filled. So my choices are 1). get a job that has nothing to do with my
major. Something entry level. Not that I don't have other skills its
just that I am sure there are tons of other people who have those other
skills out there that really know what they are doing that are looking
for a job right now. 2) I could move to where their is a job openeing.
3) I can create my own job opening through freelancing.
I think I am going to do item number 3. What do you think. Should I
move away to posibly a less culturally rich place to live so I can have
a steady teaching income?
In your situation I am kind of jealous. I wish I had a cs degree
because of all the linux jobs that are out there. Unfortuanately none
of them that I have seen are entry level. Doing a search on
pulls up 50 jobs in chicago. This is without search terms. Add the
search term linux and you pull up 21. 21 out of 50 jobs I would say
that the market is in demand for people that know linux! Linuxtoday had
an article about how the future is opensource simply because of the fact
that most corporations are looking for software for "use" not to "sell"
it is easier for them if the software is opensource beceause they don't
lock themselves into insane licensing fees. That way if a maintainer of
some software for corporation x where to suddenly charge to much. They
could then themselves contract some one else to maintain or add
features to the same code.
good luck
> Anyone know if there *are* any jobs in this field?
> I'd love to take a risk and do it off my own back, but with huge student
> debts its not really an option :-/
> Thanks,
> a desperate Nick
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