Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] [Fwd: Re: [Alsa-devel] unresolved symbols]
From: Brian Redfern (
Date: Fri Jul 05 2002 - 05:48:20 EEST
What I would do is try to get an internship at Apple Computer and work on
OsX audio, its closer to working on linux than doing windows apps. Sun
Microsystems uses a lot of interns as well, I actually had an oppurtunity
to work on the java audio team as an intern, but went into web development
at geocities instead. Apple and Sun have had layoffs themselves, but they
still use a ton of post graduate interns and its a good way to get your
career started (yeah, I DO wish I had interned at Sun, as my old stock
options are worthless now anyway).
On Thu, 4 Jul 2002, jordan muscott wrote:
> >>
> >> Can you tell if external MIDI works with SB Live. If not, does it
> >work with a SB16> with a game port?
> >
> >Haven't tried either of these cards but have got external midi to work
> >with es1371. This required the use of an external Midi box which
> >plugged into the games port. The external Midi box was built from a kit
> >which was very similar to this one:
> >
> >
> >
> >Unfortunately Midi in did not work with the schematic as is. I
> >therefore modified the schematic so that I cut the connection marked
> >"Joystick Port Pin 15", added another inverter to the output of U1 pin
> >2 and used this new inverter output to drive "Joystick Port Pin 15".
> this would be suitable if you need multiple midi outs. To use the midi
> on most soundcards with external midi kit, you just need to plug a cable
> from the games port to your external midi kit. You can buy such a cable
> from most electronics shops ( in the uk read Tandy, Maplins etc - dont
> know the names of such shops abroad...) You can then chain a few
> external midi boxes together by making use of their 'thru' sockets. This
> is, IMO, the easiest way of using the external midi on your soundcard (
> SB Live will be fine like this ).
> jordan.
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