Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: Removing distortion
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 17:14:27 EEST
On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 03:05:19 +0100, Steve Harris wrote:
> > > The simplest fix would be to try and detect clipping and just use a
> > > polynomial interpolator to join the waveform at either side. It would only
> > > work for short time clipping though. I might try to write a plugin that
> > > does this, but its quite far down my TODO list.
> >
> > Are we still talking about dealing with the effects of clipping or
> > about removing clicks and other noises?
> Clipping.
Of course there has to be either a compressor or user controled
attenuation, because the clipping is the result of excess signal to start
with, so if you reconstruct it you will have a signal that goes over 0dB
- Steve
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