Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] recorder for streaming audio
From: Joern Nettingsmeier (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 18:43:11 EEST
Mark Constable wrote:
> Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> >>>
> >>It uses the loopback device from ALSA 0.5.
> >
> > Thats not the case. Vsound uses LD_PRELOAD to intercept calls
> > the OSS driver. This should also work with the OSS emulation
> > layer in ALSA. See the "How it works" section on the above page.
> My apologies. I spent a couple of nights trolling the net for a
> solution to generically capturing the PCM devices of ALSA and
> redirecting them to a file, in vain. I am now more confused than
> ever. I would prefer an ALSA only (ah lah 0.5 loopback) solution
> because sfxload (now possibly vsound) are the only non-ALSA utils
> I need to use. As soon as Takashi rewrites sfxload as an ALSA-only
> client :-) then I, and a few others, will be able to eliminate any
> OSS references from our sound configs thereby simplifying sound
> configuration under linux in general.
> I am using an SBlive and ALSA according to
> I've loaded a soundfont with sfxload and it plays back as expected
> but when I try "vsound --timing pmidi -p 65:0 bhangra.mid" I get
> this error... I
of course you need an oss midi player. vsound apparently intercepts and
emulates only oss calls.
i don't know one off the cuff, but as always, google is your friend.
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