Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CD audio
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 22:09:07 EEST
On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 04:03:03 +0900
Patrick Shirkey <> wrote:
> Your cd player is not connected to your usb soundcard so you need to
> use an app that can read through the cdda interface (ide). alsaplayer
> and xmms both have the ability to do this. alsaplayer does it as
> default and xmms needs a plugin.
Ah, thanks.
... Hmm, the XMMS FAQ says:
r14: Why doesn't the CD plugin work on my RH7.3 installation?
Because of a rather ugly hack in the plugin, it will not work with
the patched version of GTK that RedHat ships. A fix has been submitted
to RedHat to fix XMMS, and it will also be corrected in the next
*sigh* Now digging for the fix... but it's a start!
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