Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CD audio
From: Paul Winkler (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 22:46:45 EEST
On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 04:14:06AM +0900, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> I have had problems getting jackd to work but they appear to be related
> to my system not the driver. I haven't had the energy to investigate yet
> as it means lots of alt+sysreq+b which is pretty frustrating and time
> consuming.
there was a note on ardour-dev earlier that jackd's interface to
alsa can only handle 16-bit or 24-in-32-bit samples; and further
that support was planned for the true-24-bit format used by some
USB devices, but it's not there yet. Maybe that's your problem?
--Paul Winkler home: "Muppet Labs, where the future is made - today!"
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