Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CD audio
From: Brian Redfern (
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 04:20:43 EEST
What you want to do is run "make menuconfig", then check the processor
options, and see if "low latency scheduling" is checked, if so it means
its compiled in be default. If its not it means you have to do a kernel
recompile, and if the option isn't there at all, then you have to patch
the kenerl with the low latency diff file (which I cover in my tutorial on
On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> Paul Winkler wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 04:14:06AM +0900, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> >
> >>I have had problems getting jackd to work but they appear to be related
> >>to my system not the driver. I haven't had the energy to investigate yet
> >>as it means lots of alt+sysreq+b which is pretty frustrating and time
> >>consuming.
> >
> >
> > Patrick,
> >
> > there was a note on ardour-dev earlier that jackd's interface to
> > alsa can only handle 16-bit or 24-in-32-bit samples; and further
> > that support was planned for the true-24-bit format used by some
> > USB devices, but it's not there yet. Maybe that's your problem?
> >
> I think that was in reference to alsa not jack. ALSA has the support now
> which Paul must've missed. The problem is definitely from my system.
> Last time I tried using jack+ardour+my usb card I got a perfect clear
> signal until I did something in mozilla then the signal became distorted
> and when I moved the ardour editor to another screen everything froze.
> I noticed that I also get xruns with my other 16bit cards which are
> working correctly. They are directly related to movements in xfree. I
> just noticed that I am running 9 partitions on my desktop which probably
> has a lot to do with things. I need to confirm that I'm using the memory
> on my video card and not the cpu. Any clues how to do that?
> Also I need to confirm my system is running at lowlatency. I am using
> 2.4.19-rc1-ac2 which someone recently said has all the low latency
> patches included.
> What is the correct way to turn on lowlatency? echo something?
> Plus I should hdparm.
> --
> Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd.
> For the discerning hardware connoisseur
> ========================================
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