Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Linux Multitrack Recording - HW & SW
From: Jason MacDermott (
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 05:17:39 EEST
On Mon, Jul 15, 2002, Paul Winkler wrote:
>You can use the RME Hammerfall with external converters (or RME's
>add-on internal converters), or get an M-audio Delta 1010
>which will give you 8 analog ins and 8 analog outs plus S/PDIF.
>I have the Delta 66 (4 analog), it works nicely with alsa drivers.
Thanks for the tips on hardware. I have checked out the ALSA
drivers list, and it is nice to see these higher-end items all
Have you recorded 4-tracks simultaneously with the Delta 66,
and how have you found it? The Delta 1010 sounds like it is just
what I am looking for, but I will have to do some more research.
>What kind of music are you recording? Recording live
>groups with lots of tracks at once?
Yes, that's pretty much what I'd like it to be able to do. I'd like to
have the option of recording a live band at once, for which I'd
need 8 tracks. All the other electronic manipulation after the
fact is where the fun will be, and that's where I'm anxious to use
Linux and all the interesting software that's being made. But I need
some way of getting the basic tracks down to start with. ecasound
sounds great, from what people have been telling me, but Ardour is
a little closer to what I'm familiar with (ProTools, etc.).
I'm just excited that it might be possible to do this sort of thing with
Thanks for the tips,
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