Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] ALSA and Debian, my howto
From: Tobias Ulbricht (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 02:59:35 EEST
> > (make-kpkg --revision mykern.1 modules_image)
> I did something like this today, except to get the sources from
> and alsa from, and I had to do the following.
> export MODULE_LOC=...the directory I upacked alsa sources in
> export ALSA_CARDS=all
> before the "make-kpkg modules_image" from within the unpacked linux source
> directory. Maybe that is somehow automagically done if the sources is gotten
> by apt-get sources..... Just in case it all fails, those things might help.
> If the make-kpkg modules_image fails without any error message, it is probably
> MODULE_LOC which is not properly set. If ALSA_CARDS is not set, it builds
> alsa with no soundcard drivers. Yes, I did both those things today.
Just for the thread to be concise:
of course you're right, I installed
alsa-source ( unbzipped and untarred to /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver)
and the kernel-source and indeed I did a
$ make-kpkg --revision levi.1 kernel_image
and then a
$ ALSA_CARDS=sbawe ALSA_DEBUG=yes make-kpkg --revision levi.1 modules_image
(debug is another option)
(found out what drivers to be compiled with
/usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/configure --help)
> > now I had the two deb-files in /usr/src/
> > + dpkg -i them
> Just remember to update /etc/lilo.conf and run lilo at this point and (if lilo
> is used)
right, in my case update of /etc/lilo.conf is unnecessary, post-inst
script of dpkg -i kernel*.deb asks and does it :)
> -- Karolina
Good to know it works without the debian packages smoothly.
will try that if there's a fundamentaly new kernel or alsa source..
Mycket tack för undervisningen.
Heydo. Tobias.
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