Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] project management software for linux?
From: Greg Bodnar (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 20:50:41 EEST
Taybin Rutkin <> is on permanent record as saying:
:On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Greg Bodnar wrote:
:> And now my mind is trying to sort out a way to diff audio. This could
:> make for some really interesting research.
:How about using an Edit Description List. Keep the original file, and
:just update the history of changes applied to it. You would need editor
:support for this, but it seems to be the best way.
Well, over the last half hour, I've had a bit more time to think about
this. (On a side note, I've been thinking about a research proposal for
a Masters in Engineering, and I'm considering putting this in.)
By using a reasonable block size (1-2K), one should be able to do a
series of comparisons (either lossy (by way of correlation) or lossless
(direct comparison)) and store only the blocks that have changed. It's
basically the same thing as streaming video uses for compression. But
in this case, there would be no real-time dependency. But it should be
relatively quick...
--- -
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