Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] a brief update and a request
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 23:57:36 EEST
Graham Percival wrote:
> In two or three weeks I'll be putting up a website featuring my compositions
> (mostly for cellos) written in lilypond, recorded in Debian with arecord, and
> edited with snd and audacity. Some of the music will be GPL'd (once I figure
> out which of the Free Audio licenses to use), and I'd be quite willing to give
> you permission to use some of the non-GPL'd (ie non-commercial) music as
> examples in your (commercial) book. It might be neat to include the .ly source
> file, the graphical score (or part thereof), and then the final audio recording.
> :)
> I'll advertise it here on lau when it's ready.
Hi, Graham:
That would be fabulous ! I will include Audacity and LilyPond in the
new edition, and of course I'll be keeping Snd (with much revision). As
you say, it would be great to indicate how a "start to finish" project
progresses via the profiled software.
Very cool, I'll look forward to your announcement.
Best regards,
== Dave Phillips
The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at
The Linux Soundapps Site at
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