Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] a brief update and a request
From: Graham Percival (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 23:45:04 EEST
On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 09:27:19 -0400
Dave Phillips <> wrote:
> Ross Vandegrift wrote:
> > How about an included CD with tracks recorded and produced with free
> > software audio apps? People could submit recordings along with what
> > hardware/software they used to perform what functions.
> I would love to include actual music made with the profiled apps. My
> only concern is with copyright problems and perhaps the problem of
> distributing royalties for the pieces. Any suggestions ?
In two or three weeks I'll be putting up a website featuring my compositions
(mostly for cellos) written in lilypond, recorded in Debian with arecord, and
edited with snd and audacity. Some of the music will be GPL'd (once I figure
out which of the Free Audio licenses to use), and I'd be quite willing to give
you permission to use some of the non-GPL'd (ie non-commercial) music as
examples in your (commercial) book. It might be neat to include the .ly source
file, the graphical score (or part thereof), and then the final audio recording.
I'll advertise it here on lau when it's ready.
- Graham Percival
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