Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] a brief update and a request
From: Lloyd R. Prentice (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 01:59:18 EEST
Hi Dave,
Dave Phillips wrote:
> I will include Audacity and LilyPond in the
> new edition, and of course I'll be keeping Snd (with much revision). As
> you say, it would be great to indicate how a "start to finish" project
> progresses via the profiled software.
I don't know if this fits into your book or not, but lurking on this site for more
than a month now I've learned that many of the GPL audio tools are still
Seems to me that it would be useful to have one master list of what features are
missing or buggy in each of the applications from the stand point of a
professional/serious amateur musician or engineer. I understand that there may be some
subjectivity in this, but it would (I think):
1) Motivate developers to complete/polish up the aps
2) Help users decide which ap is most appropriate for which music/sound production
Incidently, I did very much appreciate your book and regret that we'll need to wait a
year or more for the next edition.
Best wishes,
Lloyd R. Prentice
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