Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] project management software for linux?
From: Rob Kudla (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 20:20:41 EEST
On Thursday 18 July 2002 13:08, Greg Bodnar wrote:
> :Northern hemisphere. Has anyone ever tried to use cvs or something
> :similar for collaborative audio projects? I have a vision of a
> :gui-based project management package that other people could use...
> This is a bit of a tough one. CVS won't be able to diff the binary
> files. Each update would be huge. There are projects in the works to
> do a binary diff, but for audio, that might not help all that much. (of
> course, CVS would be great if you were dealing with structured audio.)
I have been thinking along these lines for about half a year, but I wanted
to take a different approach - an audio-aware collaboration system to let
geographically diverse contributors to a musical project download rough
mixes of what's out there, record more stuff in their own choice of
multitrack editor, and upload their tracks in some lossless format, then
do basic mixing and get a streaming (CPU willing) version of their
proposed mix before having it generate a lossless file.
Of course, doing the final mixing and mastering over the web would be
extremely tedious and this wouldn't scale well AT ALL, but over the years
I've had a number of musical projects start with collaborators who were
thousands of miles away and they've almost always petered out due to
logistics. When they have succeeded we did it by sending mp3's of our
rough mixes around and just laying stuff on top of them without regard for
quality, just as a messing around kind of thing. Integrating EDL's and
maybe allowing the upload of MIDI files for rendering using some
predefined set of Timidity instruments (though I've never had much luck
getting Timidity to create a file that would sync up to a timecode or
anything) would help this a lot but it's still not an easy task.
Even better would be some kind of EDL that you could overlay on top of the
set of EDL's responsible for generating the rough mix you're working from,
but now we're into an area I totally don't understand how to write and
won't have time to figure out in the near future.
The "download a rough ogg, upload your wav/shn file, download another ogg
of the final product" thing is something I can accomplish as a CGI without
a lot of trouble though, with sox and oggenc and what have you, and I will
probably write that for my next collaborative music project. :)
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