Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] project management software for linux?
From: Mark Constable (
Date: Sat Jul 20 2002 - 13:51:27 EEST
Rob Kudla wrote:
> I have been thinking along these lines for about half a year, but I wanted
> to take a different approach - an audio-aware collaboration system to let
> geographically diverse contributors to a musical project download rough
> mixes of what's out there, record more stuff in their own choice of
> multitrack editor, and upload their tracks in some lossless format, then
> do basic mixing and get a streaming (CPU willing) version of their
> proposed mix before having it generate a lossless file.
I basically agree with this approach and would would like to see some
testing along these lines and happy to do so at but
I have zero (license free) material to work with, so far.
> ...
> The "download a rough ogg, upload your wav/shn file, download another ogg
> of the final product" thing is something I can accomplish as a CGI without
> a lot of trouble though, with sox and oggenc and what have you, and I will
> probably write that for my next collaborative music project. :)
Scenario: online site with song components of MIDI and med (MusE) files plus
hi-fi ogg (or mp3) "live" tracks. Here is a near 20mb 1.48 min test wav file
renderred to ogg in 3 qualities by oggenc v0.9 (libvorbis rc3)...
19202092 megagm.wav
813568 megagm-0.ogg (averages ~60 kbps)
2091176 megagm-3.ogg (averages ~150 kbps)
4390489 megagm-9.ogg (averages ~300 kbps)
(I can barely notice any difference between any of them)
ogg/vorbis has just done the full monty (gone v1) and the lower bitrates
work very well. I can't see why hi-fi ogg files can't be used to proof
multi-mix sessions and *if* the group concensus is that the master online
repository/cache is ready for a new versioned master copy of the project
then effort is put into uploading all original wav's (probably flac'd
first) *if* professional quality is required... but all/most proofing
of concept and modifiactions _could_ be done via wavs rendered from
net transportable ogg files.
Now this might be some more interesting for fodder for this thread...
% cat ogg-tools/omplay/README
This is omplay, the Ogg MIDI player. It plays files that contain
MIDI and Vorbis substreams (in either order). The files are played
synchronized. It supports pause, stop and fast-forward via status files.
This player is dependent on ALSA (0.9.x+). Currently this code will only
work with CVS versions of ALSA with a few patches. Hopefully these
patches will become part of the stock ALSA.
The patches are included in alsa-cvs.patch.
A test file test.ogg is included which contains test tones in both MIDI and
in Vorbis as well as short musical passages.
FWIW these people have done something professional about this exact
I don't want to paste a URL to a proprietory effort, so google it for
more info
but this is probably as much as can be gleaned without paying money.
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