Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: CD audio
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 21:14:24 EEST
On Fri, 19 Jul 2002 18:05:52 +0900
Patrick Shirkey <> wrote:
> If you kill esd and start xmms making sure that it is using the oss
> drivers then everything should work. You can change the settings for
> the driver in the property options for xmms.
Well, there was a slight improvement: I managed to get 22 seconds into a
track before it locked up, an increase of 3 seconds above my previous
personal best :-)
> > Well, yeah, but that would involve actually succeeding in getting
> > ALSA running :-)
> >
> I thought you were di you get put of by the error from install. You
> must be pretty close by now.
Yeah, I got stuck on that, and tried going back to XMMS, since that was
supposed to work with the OSS setup that I already had.
One thing that I worried about in installing alsa is that, as I
understood the instructions, doing it would remove my current OSS setup,
so that if the installation continued to fail I would be left with no
sound at all. Is this correct?
> What happens?
> Do you have the modules in the correct dir?
> ls /lib/modules/[version]/kernel/sound/snd-xxx
> If not and you would like to use ALSA, then I think it is time you
> learn how to install the kernel because it is obvious that Redhat have
> fsck'd up for your computer. Don't sweat it. The lowlatency howto has
> very detailed instructions for installing the kernel.
This might be worth doing. One worry: I have only about 50 MB left on my
/ partition. Would I have enough space to build the kernel? (I suspect
that I have a bunch of irrelevant crap lying around on the drive. Do you
know of either a tool or documentation that would help me hunt it down
and scour it out?)
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