Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] a brief update and a request
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 21:55:12 EEST
Vincent Touquet wrote:
> I was wondering if it would be relevant to
> include a section about the existing Linux
> sound daemons like artsd, esd, ... and
> how to make them play nice with eachoter ?
> (I think you can run esd on top of
> arts through artsdsp ?)
> Anyway, I always wanted to know what
> these daemons do while they are not
> idling, why we need them and why
> they can't live together (sometimes ;)
Hi, Vincent:
Yes, that subject is among the new material. I don't know if it will
make a separate chapter, I might put it in the expanded sound drivers
section. I'll also be devoting space to Linux audio on laptops...
Best regards,
== Dave Phillips
The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at
The Linux Soundapps Site at
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