Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Low-Latency 2.4.x with ALSA
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 06:02:10 EEST
On Mon, 22 Jul 2002 11:32:50 +0900
Patrick Shirkey <> wrote:
> OIC. the reference in the howto is relevant if you have to upgrade
> modutils. Do the check and follow those instructions if you need to
> upgrade.
OK, then the HOWTO should say that. As it now reads,
Update Modutils and Load your Modules
There's a few things you need to do before you can load modules with
1. First, update modutils. Hopefully you've already downloaded the
modutils package. Compile and install it now. Make sure your old
modutils is gone!
it doesn't say anything about checking first.
And since users, in practice, go through HOWTOs linearly, the
information on necessary upgrades, along with the repercussions of doing
or not doing them, should come before the user needs to use them, not at
the end of the file.
(Annoying necessities, yes, but a coupla decades as a tech writer/editor
has hammered into my head a few principles of how good docs work, and
the unexpected pitfalls.)
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