Subject: [linux-audio-user] SAOL examples (grain opcode, otherwise)
From: Will Benton (
Date: Wed Jul 24 2002 - 22:36:11 EEST
Is anyone using SAOL for granular synthesis (especially with realtime
control)? If so, are you willing to share some example code? :-)
More generally, is there a good resource/"cookbook" site for SAOL
code? I have seen, the page at the MIT Media Lab, and John
Lazzaro's page, but I haven't seen a resource that compares to the
ones for csound, for example. How active is the "SA community"?
-- Will Benton | "Die richtige Methode der Philosophie wäre eigentlich | die: Nichts zu sagen, als was sich sagen läßt...."
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