Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] SAOL examples (grain opcode, otherwise)
From: John Lazzaro (lazzaro_AT_CS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Wed Jul 24 2002 - 23:45:39 EEST
> Will Benton writes
> How active is the "SA community"?
In one sense its active -- over the past two years,
sfront has been downloaded 700-2000 times a month,
and email I receive indicates that people are
teaching courses with it, using it for research,
using it to test their (still-secret) SAOL products
with, etc. And yes, sometimes actually make music :-).
But its not active in the CSound sense of active --
a big community of content makers exchanging code
and techniques.
This will change as SAOL grows up and finds its own
market -- standards can take an exceedingly long time
to catch on in a market, sometimes in a market very
different than the standard was envisioned for use
in -- DSL is an excellent example, its vision was
not an Internet Protocol Layer 2 at all ... but its
current success hinges on that role.
I've made a conscious choice not to do "evangelism"
on the content-creation side, because my hands are
full with evangelizing the "decoder-creation" side;
the MWPP effort:
falls into that category, by placing SAOL in the
middle of the IETF multimedia toolchain, it gives
context to how you might use SAOL in products and
services ...
John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu
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