Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Low-Latency 2.4.x with ALSA
From: Vincent Touquet (
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 10:56:59 EEST
On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 11:19:30PM -0700, Joseph Zitt wrote:
>At 05:48 PM 7/24/02 +0900, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
>>I think that Joseph has got what it takes. It's just unfortunate that he
>>has decided to give up on the GNU way so quickly.
>FWIW, it wasn't quickly. I've been using Linux in various forms since 1996.
>After all these years, it finally became time to stop the endless puttering
>and get some work done.
Hm, you've got a point :)
Sometimes I find myself hacking away in the system,
without doing anything productive ;)
Anyway, what distro are you using,
if you want a fast start and good
lad-stuff support, I think SuSE is
an excellent choice.
>(Now if I could combine Linux solidity with Windows ease and availablity,
>we'd be somewhere. Booted in Windows, this box is proven slightly less
>stable than Sinead O'Connor :-~ )
Win '98 is from hell :))
Win 2000 is the best windows around.
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