Subject: [linux-audio-user] esd can't find card under alsa 0.9
From: Matt Price (
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 20:15:32 EEST
I've just installed esd from debian sources and it won't run --
doesn't seem to be able to find the drivers for my via8233-compatible
card. Here's what I get when I run it:
Couldn't open any alsa card! Last card tried was 0
Error opening card 0: Sound protocol is not compatible
Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 16bit failed
Trying 44.1Khz, 8bit stereo.
Couldn't open any alsa card! Last card tried was 0
Error opening card 0: Sound protocol is not compatible
Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 8bit failed
Trying 48Khz, 16bit stereo.
Couldn't open any alsa card! Last card tried was 0
Error opening card 0: Sound protocol is not compatible
Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 8bit failed
Trying 22.05Khz, 8bit stereo.
--- and it goes on from there.
I installed esd from a .deb package but compiled the alsa source
myself -- maybe the alsa modules are located in the wrong place or
something? Can I instruct esd how to find them?
Thanks (again!!@@),
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