Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] debian/audacity/mp3 library
From: Vincent Touquet (
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 20:27:07 EEST
There are unofficial lame debs out there (TM).
Check google :)
Actually the lame sources have an option
to build a deb, thats how I did it.
I installed it from source.
It rocks (only slightly less than ogg :)
On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 12:58:16PM -0400, Matt Price wrote:
>hi there,
>question about audacity under debian: I wanted to export an mp3 (need
>to send over the internet to un-ogg-enabled folks). Audacity looks
>for; but lame does not come on any debian distribution.
>I find that odd, because audacity _is_ distributed as a .deb package.
>Does anyone out there know if there's an alternative mp3 encoder
>distributed through debian that ausdacity can accept? Or do I have to
>compile lame from source?
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