Subject: [linux-audio-user] Maybe coming ack.
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 21:47:40 EEST
Well, after about a day's glee at being able to do things in Windows, I
think I'm back, hat in hand. As much trouble as I've been having in
Linux, Windows is proving even worse. The system crashes repeatedly,
and Eudora (the mail client) crashes whenever I do something tricky...
like press a key.
I had written an excited blog entry at about
what I was able to do under Windows that I couldn't under Linux. Now
that I know that that stuff is possible there, I would think it would be
possible here, with the proper configuration. But I have to admit that
I'm a doctor, not a scriptwriter -- oops, wrong MP3 -- I'm a
writer/composer, not a hard-core hacker.
What I really, really need is for someone with the skills and patience
to sit down with me and the PC, and my hardware (Roland UA-30 USB Audio
Interface, Iomega USB Zip-CD burner, Midiman Oxygen 8 USB MIDI keyboard,
hooked up to a Dell Latitude D266XT laptop
<>, with 64 MB RAM), and get it
all working together. I'm running RedHat 7.3, but I'm not married to the
distro, and will change if it would help. I would have to keep the
system dual-booting into Windows 98 to use FrameMaker (ironically, I got
myself up to speed on it when Adobe had a Linux version available
briefly), and would like to port my mail back from Eudora to Sylpheed.
(BTW, I found that my /etc/fstab *hadn't* been hosed -- I was so
frazzled by the time that I wrote that message that I didn't realize
that I was catting the /etc/fstab from a different system that I was
ssh'ed into!)
I'm in Berkeley, CA, and around most of the time (one advantage of
unemployment :-] ). I can't afford to pay anything, but would commit to
helping with the docs if we could get the stuff working. I have, indeed,
learned a lot in the current hassles, but I'm not quite able to make the
hurdle into full functionality on my own.
So... possible?
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