Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] icky low level linux stuff
From: jordan muscott (
Date: Sat Jul 27 2002 - 03:16:19 EEST
one thing about this discussion that has just stuck me - is that part of
the comparison between windows and linux is this case is unfair. For
Question: Under which OS is it easier to get a low latency kernel for
use with audio applcations?
Answer: Er....... Well WindowsXP of course - all you do is double click on
the 'low latency kernel' icon in control panel.
Ok - In general i admit that although some linux dists are becoming a
breeze to use on the desktop via KDE/Gnome etc , you probably still have
to do a bit of fiddling to get a good audio setup. It would be good to
remember that some of that fiddling is due to the extra freedom that
linux gives you.
On Fri, 26 Jul 2002 19:45:13 -0400
Ross Vandegrift <> wrote:
>I'll tell ya what. I compile kernels like its nothing. I could build
> some generic, modular kernels with all the nice low-latency stuff
> applied and host them for audio newbies to download and get low latency
> support. It wouldn't be such a huge effort for me.
well that sounds like a good idea to me. ( although personally i'd stick with building my own ;) )
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