Subject: [linux-audio-user] Envy24 chip advice
From: Brian Redfern (
Date: Sat Jul 27 2002 - 08:35:48 EEST
Well, I finally got my Maudio Audophile working, what I found out is that
the ice1712 chip uses the envy24 controller. You can find out by running
/sbin/lspci to see what controller chip its using. If it uses the envy24
then you need to use a program called envy24control, the only way to
easily get audio in recording from either the analog or spdif input is to
use this program. Once I fired it up I figured out how to patch the
connections in and out and everything was fine. I wentr through the
archives and found tons of people were trying to use alsamixer to no
avail, and thought I'd pass the tip on.
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