Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] icky low level linux stuff
From: Brian Redfern (
Date: Sat Jul 27 2002 - 08:28:42 EEST
Weeelll, its all about how much you're willing to pay for your freedom and
how. With Linux you can pay for your freedom by educating yourself, while
with Windows you're paying for the freedom to not know anything and curse
the name of Bill when things go wrong.
However Linux really is getting easier and easier to install. Back when I
started out with Redhat 6.2 I tried to install on a laptop and it burned
out my video card. It may still be somewhat tricky, but not nearly
impossible. Soon it will actually be easier to install and maintain than
windows, especially if you have more than one hard disk failure or ungrade
a hard disk and want to re-install, Microsoft will make you buy a whole
new copy of XP every time you buy a new hard disk, so yeah if you're
willing to fork out tons of cash for software, or risk jailtime for using
illeagal cracked software, sure it may be easier, but if you want real
freedom you still have to put in some hard work to earn it.
On Fri, 26 Jul 2002, Joseph Zitt wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Jul 2002 01:16:19 +0100
> jordan muscott <> wrote:
> > Ok - In general i admit that although some linux dists are becoming a
> > breeze to use on the desktop via KDE/Gnome etc , you probably still
> > have to do a bit of fiddling to get a good audio setup. It would be
> > good to remember that some of that fiddling is due to the extra
> > freedom that linux gives you.
> But you have to remember that there are other senses of freedom. Such
> as: am I free to create the music that I want, or am I blocked from
> doing so by stuff an OS's apps don't do yet?
> The hardcore Linux partisans act as if the small slate of areas in which
> Free Software excels are the only ones that matter. But others would
> have a hard time considering someone whose ability to express himself
> was blocked by egregiously complex systems to be free. If I can't do my
> expressive work with the available tools and would be able to it with
> others, my "freedom of the press" is greater under the latter set. And,
> as it now stands, the situation with the most of that freedom is not yet
> consistently Linux.
> --
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