Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] icky low level linux stuff
From: jordan muscott (
Date: Sat Jul 27 2002 - 12:53:23 EEST
On Sat, 27 Jul 2002 10:53:18 +0200
Vincent Touquet <> wrote:
>On Sat, Jul 27, 2002 at 12:08:14PM +0900, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
>>Most of us round here are possibly too far into the depths of Linux to
>>give simple user friendly advice to a person who does not want to know
>>about the complexity of Linux. It's clear that we may not be helping new
>>users with this advice.
>True ...
>>Should we be making a more conscious effort to dumb down our advice?
>>It's hard work giving advice to someone when you know little or nothing
>>of their experience and needs.
Just thought i'd had my bit to this: When i first joined this list, I hadn't been using linux for that long, a few months or something. I had a quick look at the audio apps available, and thought...."mmm, looks like it'll be a few years before i'd have a working linux-audio setup." I then came across a couple of problems that i didn't have the experience to solve quickly on my own - but the reponses i got on this list were great, and really quickly i was up and away - and was writing music for the first time in a year or two........ :=)
cheers, jordan.
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